Hope For Humanity

compassion and feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood
“service to humanity is service to GOD”.

Latest Update

Typhoon Rai, locally named Odette, hit the Philippines on 16 December 2021, ravaging islands and coastal communities in the east and flooding towns and cities across the country. AMURT team mobilized immediately to provide vital humanitarian assistance to country people affected in widespread devastation to homes and livelihoods.

Our AMURT teams have been distributing relief goods, RTW clothing, and fresh vegetables in Siargao, Cebu, Bohol and Palawan. Our missionary monks and nuns with AMURT volunteers are working day and night to reach the suffering people with the relief goods.


AMURT (ANANDA MARGA UNIVERSAL RELIEF TEAM) is one of the few private international humanitarian organizations founded in India. Since its inception in 1965 its original objective was to help meet the needs of the affected population after disasters that regularly hit the Indian sub-continent.

Over the years AMURT has
established teams in thirty-four countries, to create a network that can meet disaster and development needs
almost anywhere in the world. In 1985 we broadened our goals to include long-term development. We feel that
we can play a useful role in helping vulnerable communities break the cycle of poverty and gain greater control
over their lives. For us, development is human exchange: people sharing wisdom, knowledge and experience
to build a better world

What we do

Jagaddhitáya ca. A person is doing everything for his or her own spiritual elevation, own liberation, for complete emancipation. That he or she is doing for his or her liberation is well and good, but is he or she not a selfish person? Whatever one is doing, one is doing for one’s own liberation – but one is not doing anything for others. You say – is it not a fact? The person is selfish. So while one is doing something for one’s own liberation, one is to serve others also. And how is one to serve others? The best service is viprocita sevá [intellectual service]

We Educate

AMSAI commits to create a learning environment where students feel loved and respected while employing methods for them to develop holistically and creating opportunities to empower them

We Provide Care

Our volunteers do service with attitude of being graced by God to have provided them the opportunity to help their fellow beings.


We Consult

Most of the AMURT volunteers are trained to be developed physically, mentally and spiritually under the guidance of dedicated AM missionaries (monks and nuns).

What we have achieved

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Members in Mahalika
0 +
Children Helped
0 K+
Funds Raised
0 T
Food Provided
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